Things to Read


Welcome to My New Site!

In case you haven’t noticed this entire website has been completely reworked and redesigned thanks to my friends at Blue Sail Creative; the same folks that did the new website for my company Chess Media Group.  I’m very excited with the new look and feel

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Are You Interested in Travel?

As many of you may know, traveling is among one of my greatest passions (yes and chess as well). I travel quite frequently both domestically and internationally and usually share my travel photos and experiences with people on Flickr, Twitter, and Facebook. I decided that

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The Social Business Process

Over at Chess Media Group we’ve brainstorming steps that companies and consultancies need to take together in order to really be able to create a social business.  We’ve developed what we consider to be a pretty solid social business process that is broken down into

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The Players Vs the Game

We’ve all heard the saying right?  “Don’t hate the player, hate the game.”  Usually this phrase in uttered in a different context (I hope you know what I’m talking about) but just work with me on this.  Try to look at this from a social

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On the Internet

The internet is really a funny place isn’t it?  Where else can you find your next spouse while simultaneously looking at images of funny cats?  The internet is pretty amazing and when used properly it can help you in an infinite number ways, however the

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