In case you haven’t noticed this entire website has been completely reworked and redesigned thanks to my friends at Blue Sail Creative; the same folks that did the new website for my company Chess Media Group. I’m very excited with the new look and feel for the site and would love to hear what you think about it. The new website design is supposed to accomplish a few things:
- Integrate a travel section into the site to share my stories and experiences and let you share yours
- Increase the amount of interaction and comments, I really want to here more from all of you
- Make everything look and work properly, many of you may have noticed some of the design flaws on the previous design and on the back end there were definitely functional flaws
- Include more information about me and what I’m up to, such as speaking events and travel photos
- Add a speaking page for folks that are interested in having me speak at their event
There are quite a few new additions to the site so allow me to give you a quick tour:
- I added a small about section into the sidebar so people can get a quick idea of who I am and what I do
- Added upcoming events into the sidebar
- Included the book I co-wrote with Josh Peters into the sidebar
- Added a newsletter which is something new for me, I’m hoping to include both travel and social business content
- There is a new speaking page in the main navigation section
- There is also a new travel section which has slightly different features in the sidebar such as flickr photos, a list of countries I’ve visited, and upcoming travel plans
I’ve gone through many design and color change options with Blue Sail Creative and I can honestly say that I feel this design is absolutely fantastic; it does a great job of integrating both social business and travel. If you are looking to have a new site designed or developed be sure to check out Blue Sail, tell them “Jacob” sent you. So there you have it, welcome to the new website!
I’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas on what you think about the new site. For those of you who don’t remember what the old site looked like, here you go: