![internet internet](https://thefutureorganization.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/internet-1024x1024.jpg)
The internet is really a funny place isn’t it? Where else can you find your next spouse while simultaneously looking at images of funny cats? The internet is pretty amazing and when used properly it can help you in an infinite number ways, however the internet can also destroy reputations and expose cheating spouses. One thing that we really have to remember about the internet is that it is a public place and so is everything on it (mostly).
Anything you share or post online has the potential to be seen by anyone, anytime, anywhere. By joining Twitter or Facebook you need to remember that you are joining the public world. It might not be fair for current or future employers to judge your work ethic based on a ridiculous Facebook photo or your listed hobbies; but unfortunately that is the way of the world. Sure, you do have control over certain privacy settings on various profiles but just to be safe maybe you should remove “drinking and smoking” as a hobby of yours and take down the pic of you doing the keg stand while wearing a hula skirt at your friends Halloween bbq party. Do you have to? No, of course not, just remember that what you are putting up on the internet has the potential to be accessed by the entire world. When it comes time for you to interview for you next job; these are just some things you might want to think about. If this is something that you cannot accept and deal with then maybe you should stay away from the online network space. The point is that “yes” the internet can hurt you if you are careless but ultimately you are responsible for the content that you choose to share with the world; with a bit of smarts and perhaps the right privacy/security settings you probably have nothing to worry about.
Having said all of that the internet can also be a very helpful and powerful place; not just for finding information but for getting noticed. Being able to show your future employers samples of your portfolio online along with your full bio, sample work, and testimonials is a powerful thing. Everyone should own search engines for their own name, Google “Jacob Morgan” and see what you find; you will find my website along with my linkedin/twitter/facebook accounts; so on one screen you essentially have all of the information that you will ever need to know about me, and I put it there. I control what people can and cannot see which means I can put my best foot forward.
I think the best advice I can give is, “don’t be an idiot.”