Things to Read


Everyone Said He Was Crazy! The Strategies The Former CEO Of Best Buy Used To Turn The Company Around & Avoid Disaster

Today’s 16 min video is with Hubert Joly who is a tour de force in the world of business leadership, best known for his transformative role as the CEO Best Buy. When Hubert and I spoke he told me stories of how his peers would tell him he’s crazy for taking the role. Articles were written about Hubert and Best Buy saying that he was in way over his head and that the company was sure to go bankrupt!

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He Studied Decades of Data to Expose Capitalism’s Dirty Secrets

In today’s episode, I discuss with David Gelles, author of “The Man Who Broke Capitalism,” as we explore the complex legacy of Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric. The conversation touches on Welch’s extraordinary work ethic and his knack for understanding every facet of his business, but also highlights the darker aspects of his leadership style, including short-term thinking, a focus on profits over people, and a toxic work culture.

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