Things to Read


The 3 Types of Twitter Followers

The Reciprocators These are the guys like Robert Scoble who just reciprocate all follower requests they get. Now, the problem with this is you don’t really know who you are following. If 20,000 people decide to follow me that’s great but do I have to

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Are You Going to Get the New Iphone?

In case you forgot, this Friday, Apple is officially debuting it’s new vacuum cleaner…I mean iphone.  I haven’t owned an iphone yet, but I’ll be honest with you guys, I’m seriously considering the new one.  Currently I’m stuck with the first model Samsung Blackjack, not

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Twitter to Buy Summize? I Sure Hope So

Word on the street is that twitter is gearing up to purchase summize.  When I say word on the street I mean: Read Write Web VentureBeat Tech Confidential Centernetworks Techcrunch etc. These rumors are just rumors for now and are not 100% confirmed yet, but

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