Things to Read


Wordcamp San Francisco 2009

This was my first Wordcamp and I had a great time.  I took some great videos which I will put up tomorrow, today you just get pictures.  The event was held at the UCSF conference center in San Francisco from around 9-5 pm with a

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Social Media ROI and Impact for Adobe

Olivier Blanchard (the brand builder) has been rocking out on social media ROI lately with some some awesome content.  One of my favorite topics that he has addressed is the difference between ROI and Impact.  As Olivier clearly explains, ROI is a financial metric…aka dollars

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Help Me Pick the New Company Logo!

A little while ago I announced the launch of my new social media consultancy called Mighty Mouth Media.  We have been in full swing thus far but have been working with a temporary site.  We are now taking the first step on branding ourselves by

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Why Don't You Just Ask Them?

The shortest distance between 2 points has always been and will always be a straight line.  Translated into business this means if you want to know something, don’t bullshit, just ask.  If you just launched a social media campaign and you want to know how

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Could Facebook Replace Your Email?

Facebook has been up to some interesting things lately including the recent addition of the chat feature.  Rumor is a video chat feature is going to be released soon.  Facebook also recently partnered with Openid which means that you can now use your gmail account

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I'm Writing a Book!

This is the big announcement I have been hoping to make for the past 2 weeks.  I had to wait for all of the paper  work to get signed, but everything is finally done and I can now say that I officially have a book

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