Things to Read


Grab Your Twittfaced Badge!

Exciting news, we finally created Twittfaced badges for everyone and would love it if you took one and put it up on your site to help tell the world your Twittfaced, we would really love your support.  You can grab your Twittfaced badges here, and

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Enterprise Social Media Management

(yes, that is the enterprise from star trek…get it?) Update: edited to remove company names to avoid any misunderstanding I’m sitting at the Vegas airport after having donated by money to the Vegas charity foundation (aka the casinos) and was just thinking about some of

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You Have Social Media ROI, Now What?

(image from Shutterstock) The conversations around social media ROI are getting more and more attention; which is great.  I’m hoping this will be one of the top issues on everyone’s social media agenda for 2010 and beyond; I’m also hoping that all of these people

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Blog World Expo, Vegas Bound

I’m heading to Las Vegas this morning to attend the Blog World Expo from October 15-18th.  My entire trip is going to be focused around having social media ROI discussions.  It’s also going to be great to see some folks I haven’t seen in a

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Don't Forget About the Offline World

(image from shutterstock) Sometimes I wonder what the world is going to look like in a few years.  Are we going to write letters to each other anymore?  Is cursive writing that I learned in elementary school going to completely die out?  Sometimes we get

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Social Media or Social Business?

(image from Shutterstock) I’ve been going over the differences between the terms “social media,” and “social business” as I’m working on developing a new company site for Chess Media Group (which will launch soon).  My business partner Connie and I kept going back and forth

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