GREAT Leadership

with Jacob Morgan

A weekly show where Jacob has in-depth conversations with the world’s top business leaders, best-selling authors, and thinkers.

The Past And Future Of Jobs And Paychecks

This week we are discussing the past and future of jobs and paychecks with Dr. Lawrence “Larry” Mishel. Larry has been a labor market economist for 30 years and is now the President of The Economic Policy Institute, a Washington based think tank. EPI is focusing on how our current economy is affecting low and middle income Americans, what policies are needed to restore the middle class, and how to generate robust wage growth for everyone so they experience a growing standard of living. […]

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Breather’s CEO On The Future Of Office Space

Today, we welcome Julien Smith, cofounder and CEO of Breather, to discuss the factors that are disrupting the idea of traditional office spaces. Julien and I explore how trends, pricing, real estate, and technology are shaping the evolution of physical work places. Julien authored three books on marketing while working from the internet, without an office for about 10 years. As a freelancer with no place to go for work every day, he saw the potential for a totally separate, individualized work space that can be unlocked with your phone. […]

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The Future Of Talent: Attracting And Retaining The Top Talent For Your Organization

The future of recruiting and retaining top talent is changing. With new developments in employee engagement, the gig economy, and the rise of Millennials and Generation Z in the workforce, organizations are adapting their methods to find and maintain the best employees. Today, I speak with Mike Preston the Chief Talent Officer at Deloitte. Deloitte underwent a mass career customization framework, focused on strength based development. While Deloitte has never had a Chief Human Resources Officer by that name, the Talent Officer title reflects how their employees are viewed. The people who work for their company, the talent, are the most important component. While this title may have always been the standard at Deloitte, this just shows how they are ahead of the curve in regards to the future of work. Many other organizations are changing the title of their Human Resources departments to reflect the focus on employees themselves. […]

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Industries Of The Future: Preparing For What Is Coming Our Way

If the last 20 years was all about digitization and the rise of the internet, what is next? This is the subject Alec Ross covers in his new book, The Industries of the Future. If you regularly listen to The Future of Work podcast, then you know what a huge topic the future is. Alec spent the last few years writing his book, drawing on his experience, and bringing in stories and background from all over the globe. Alec wanted to cover many topics, pulling them all together in the centralized theme. This leads to a thorough examination of the future of work that goes beyond the standard topics such as robots and automation. […]

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Entrepreneurship In The Age Of the Freelancer Economy

Amway was founded on an entrepreneurial spirt principle. Starting in 1959, the founders, including Doug’s own father, believed in a business model that people could have an accessible business of their very own. With over 21,000 employees in over 100 countries and territories, Amway also has Independent Business Owners that can work full and part time inside their own enterprises. Amway is able to provide many things inside of their company, such as manufacturing, research and development, and forecasting. Doug describes his family’s background with Amway, and how the foundation of Amway applies to the future of work, now, more than ever. […]

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The SVP Of Zendesk On Rethinking Our Personal And Professional Relationships

Today’s Future of Work podcast is with Anne Raimondi the SVP of Strategy at Zendesk. The topic today is a little different than most of the topics covered on the podcast. Anne speaks on rethinking our personal and professional relationships. Our relationships drive what we do in our personal lives, and how we interact inside our companies. They are changing right along with the future of work. With advances in technology, we are finding that work is spreading into every aspect of our lives. Anne describes how instead of focusing on work-life balance, the focus should be on work-life integration and how it effects the relationships we build and maintain. […]

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How Airbnb Creates Amazing Employee Experiences

Today’s Future of Work Podcast is a very exciting topic! My guest is Mark Levy, the Global Head of Employee Experience at Airbnb. Airbnb has been making headlines lately, as they shifted their focus from a Human Resources Department to Employee Experience. Airbnb has core values that really put their employees first, and want them to feel like they belong with the company. During today’s podcast, I sit down at their main campus, and you can feel the energy of their open floor and hear new programs being implemented as the podcast is recording.

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The CIO Of GE On How The Role Of IT Is Transforming

The role of IT inside of an organization is transforming. With all of the new technologies being created and utilized in today’s workplace, there are a lot of discussions how best to expand the organizations technology infrastructure. Today’s guest on the Future of Work Podcast is Jim Fowler. Jim is the Chief Information Officer of General Electric. This podcast discusses how IT and the CIO role in particular, is now one of the most exciting departments of an organization. […]

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The Future Of Learning And Careers

Today on the Future of Work Podcast, my guest is Abhijit Bhaduri, the Chief Learning Officer of Wipro Group. Wipro has almost 170,000 employees around the world in IT services. Since Abhijit is the Chief Learning Officer, today’s topic is all around the future of learning and careers. In his role, he prepares all of the employees in the company for the future so they can be “future ready.” […]

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Talent Practices For The 21st Century

Today’s Future of Work podcast guest is Ellyn Shook, the Chief Leadership and Human Resources Officer of Accenture. Accenture is a global professional services organization and has over 360,000 around the world. Their mission is to help improve the way the world works and lives, and lead the digital disruption on behalf of their clients. Ellyn is responsible for leading the global team of human resources experts, who aim to deliver exceptional employee experiences for Accenture’s people. Today, we speak on talent practices for the 21st century. Accenture believes that the growth of their people, leads to the growth of their business. […]

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