GREAT Leadership

with Jacob Morgan

A weekly show where Jacob has in-depth conversations with the world’s top business leaders, best-selling authors, and thinkers.

Innovation During A Disruptive Era

Jeff Wong, the Global Chief Innovation Officer at EY talks about how to stay ahead in a world that is changing daily. The world is changing faster than it ever has before. We have seen the evolution of AI, self driving cars, drones and robots in the workplace and who knows where technology will go in the future. In this ever changing world it is imperative for companies to adapt and keep up with the times. The question is how can companies keep up? […]

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How Companies Can Change the World (Not Just Non-Profits)

Most people want to believe that the work they do is making a difference in the world and helping people. Can companies really make a difference? One company that has made a huge difference is G Adventures and in this podcast the founder of G Adventures, Bruce Poon Tip, discusses how his company uses tourism to change the world. […]

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Why Diversity and Inclusiveness is Important Today and Tomorrow

Diversity and Inclusiveness are extremely important for companies today and in the future. Listen to my interview with Karyn Twaronite, the Global Diversity and Inclusiveness Officer at EY, to find out why these subjects are so important, how you can take steps to stay in the forefront of your industry, and how to measure your company’s progress in these areas. […]

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