Things to Read


Technology and Collaboration: A Vital Pair for the Future of Work

Between cloud services, video calling, internal social networks, and so much more, collaboration plays a huge role in modern workspaces. At the heart of collaboration is the technology that makes it possible. And for every type of collaboration software, there are multiple vendors and services offering various features and systems. Collaboration, while vital to the future of work, can also be overwhelming. But just as each organization has its own business plan and internal processes, so too does it need to have collaboration tools that meet its needs. […]

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Are You Toying With Technology?

Is technology in your organization a tool or a toy? We often look at new gadgets as things to play with and enjoy and as a way to keep us amused, but technology holds so much more value than just entertainment. Technology can be a valuable tool that changes the way you do business. And as technology changes and plays a bigger role in the efficiency and actions of organizations, the role of technology employees also changes. […]

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Are You An Email Addict?

We all fall trap to the draw of email and the connection it brings. After all, it’s how business gets done. But email can be draining and a huge time and energy waster if you find yourself constantly updating and hoping for a new message. […]

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When Did Manager Become A Bad Word?

A growing number of companies are turning away from using the term “manager” and choosing instead to use more generic terms for all employees. The idea is that it removes the negative connotations of having to report to a strict boss and instead opens things up to a world of collaboration and equality amongst employees. […]

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