Things to Read


Future Of Work Weekly Roundup – April 23rd, 2017

Each week I’m going to provide a round up of what I consider to be important and interesting articles on the future of work (not authored by me). These will include a variety of sources and topics ranging from workplace practices to robots and automation to leadership and everything in between. There’s a lot of information out there so I’m hoping that these weekly round ups will help make life a bit easier for you by giving you just the good stuff. Let’s get into it! […]

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Future Of Work Weekly Roundup – April 9th, 2017

Each week I’m going to provide a round up of what I consider to be important and interesting articles on the future of work (not authored by me). These will include a variety of sources and topics ranging from workplace practices to robots and automation to leadership and everything in between. There’s a lot of information out there so I’m hoping that these weekly round ups will help make life a bit easier for you by giving you just the good stuff. Let’s get into it! […]

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Creating a Performance-Based Culture

When Tim Mulligan joined San Diego Zoo Global at the Chief Human Resources Officer in 2004, he faced an uphill battle. The nonprofit zoo was performing well and was at the top of its field, but the management team didn’t have goals or accountability for its employees. Combined with the wide range of employees, from hourly cleaning staff to marketers and top animal scientists, Tim had to get creative with his HR solutions. […]

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Future Of Work Weekly Roundup – April 2nd, 2017

Each week I’m going to provide a round up of what I consider to be important and interesting articles on the future of work (not authored by me). These will include a variety of sources and topics ranging from workplace practices to robots and automation to leadership and everything in between. There’s a lot of information out there so I’m hoping that these weekly round ups will help make life a bit easier for you by giving you just the good stuff. Let’s get into it! […]

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How Pandora Builds Employee-Driven Experiences

Users of the popular internet radio service Pandora know how personalized the service can be–each user creates a station based on their favorite artists and then gets a personalized station of songs they might like. As users favorite songs, their station is honed with their personal preferences, meaning a Taylor Swift station for one user could be completely different from someone else’s Taylor Swift station. The same idea of personalization also plays a role on the other side of Pandora with its employee experience. […]

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Future Of Work Weekly Roundup – March 26th, 2017

Each week I’m going to provide a round up of what I consider to be important and interesting articles on the future of work (not authored by me). These will include a variety of sources and topics ranging from workplace practices to robots and automation to leadership and everything in between. There’s a lot of information out there so I’m hoping that these weekly round ups will help make life a bit easier for you by giving you just the good stuff. Let’s get into it! […]

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Future Of Work Weekly Roundup – March 19th, 2017

Each week I’m going to provide a round up of what I consider to be important and interesting articles on the future of work (not authored by me). These will include a variety of sources and topics ranging from workplace practices to robots and automation to leadership and everything in between. There’s a lot of information out there so I’m hoping that these weekly round ups will help make life a bit easier for you by giving you just the good stuff. Let’s get into it! […]

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Future Of Work Weekly Roundup – March 12th, 2017

Each week I’m going to provide a round up of what I consider to be important and interesting articles on the future of work (not authored by me). These will include a variety of sources and topics ranging from workplace practices to robots and automation to leadership and everything in between. There’s a lot of information out there so I’m hoping that these weekly round ups will help make life a bit easier for you by giving you just the good stuff. Let’s get into it! […]

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