Things to Read


Business Vocabulary You Should Know

With all of the new social media and marketing terms floating around the web it’s easy to lose track of the actual business terms that we should be using when talking about…business.  It doesn’t matter if you’re talking to a business or talking to someone

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My Impressions from Israel

After a 12 hour flight I finally landed in Israel along with a group of random people, some of whom became good friends in just 10 days.  I always told people I was Jewish but I never really knew what that meant.  One of the

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Change Needed?

by Tom  Vanlerberghe “Companies are always changing.” Sounds pretty obvious right? But how come a lot of companies make the best plans to steer them into the future and fail when those plans have to be executed? They sit around a table, nodding, giving their

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Social Media Revolution

by Tiffany Davis We all know that the internet has revolutionized not only the way in which we do business, but also the way in which we interact internationally through an array of online portals.  Social networking sites have aided in gaining an added advantage

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Chocolate, a Poem by Josh Morgan

By Josh Morgan Chocolate, the Cadillac of all sweet sweets. Let the luxury of the chocolate fill your needs. It creates what we call the dream of creamy goodness. Smooth and creamy, that’s luxury. This is not all, you must handle It with care. Be

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Confusing Motion with Progress

Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress. ~Alfred A. Montapert With social media marketing it’s easy to confuse motion with progress and it’s important that both consultants and organizations can distinguish between the two.  I

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