In a few hours I’m boarding a flight to head NY for one night. Tomorrow I’m boarding another flight to head off to Israel where I will spend 10 days before returning back to NY for 3 more days. I’ve never been to Israel or NY so I’m pretty excited about the trip. I’m going to Israel on something called the Birthright trip (through a company called Mayanot). I’m going on their hi-tech trip so I had to qualify for it, which thankfully I did. In Israel I’m going to get to meet with a few tech/startup companies and VC firms so it will be great to see how things are progressing/developing there. I’ll have plenty of photos and videos when I get back. Since my flight to Israel leaves from NY I figured I would also spend a few days there, after all, I do hear good things about NY and I’ve yet to go.
I will still have a few posts going up but they won’t be on a daily basis, more like once every 2-3 days. While I’m away if you want to write a guest post for me please feel free to send one over and I can put it up while up away.
Stay tuned, I will definitely be sharing a lot of my journey!