Things to Read


Strategic Principles for Enterprise 2.0 Implementation

This is the fourth post of a multi-post series covering the discussion between SOCIALtality founder and 20-year Fidelity-enterprise veteran, Wendy Troupe and myself.  The topics of our discussions were around Social Media, the emerging Enterprise 2.0 movement and the issues facing companies contemplating adoption.  Yesterday

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Top 10 Reasons to Travel

Just for fun I thought I’d put together a list of some of my favorite reasons to travel.  I’m also curious to hear more about why you travel.  So without further adieu, these are my top 10 reasons for traveling. New cultures and customs I

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Enterprise 2.0: Paradigm Shift or Incremental Change?

This is the third post of a multi-post series covering the discussion between SOCIALtality founder and 20-year Fidelity-enterprise veteran, Wendy Troupe and myself.  The topics of our discussions were around Social Media, the emerging Enterprise 2.0 movement and the issues facing companies contemplating adoption.  Yesterday

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Enterprise 2.0 Tools Vs Strategies

This is the second post of a multi-post series covering the discussion between SOCIALtality founder and 20-year Fidelity-enterprise veteran, Wendy Troupe and myself.  The topics of our discussions were around Social Media, the emerging Enterprise 2.0 movement and the issues facing companies contemplating adoption.  Yesterday

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Why You Need a Vacation

Most people talk about taking a vacation as a luxury that you get after you work your ass off for a certain amount of time.  You slave away and save up money and then if you’re lucky you can get a few weeks off to

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