Things to Read


Are You Finding Time To Be Curious?

I’m super busy…like ultra super crazy busy!

I have kids to take care of, a business to turn, clients to work with, a wife to keep happy, dogs that need to be walked, a team of people I need to lead, plus there’s looking after the house, helping with meals, bed times, etc.


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Former Unilever CEO Paul Polman Says Leaders Must Have A Deeper Sense Of Purpose

Paul Polman has been through it all—he became CEO of a struggling multinational corporation during the height of the recession, survived a terrorist attack in Mumbai and has led global task forces and committees. Each of those experiences have contributed to his unique perspectives, but they don’t define him as a leader. His strong leadership is driven by a deeper sense of purpose, which Paul says is the most important attribute of a leader.

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Five Signs You Work For A Truly Great Leader

I’ve said this many times here…leadership is changing and as a leader you have two choices, you adapt or you get replaced.

I interviewed over 140 of the world’s top CEOs for my new book, The Future Leader: 9 Skills and Mindsets to Succeed in the Next Decade, and this was the general consensus.

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Smucker’s CEO Shares The Importance Of Mindful Leaders, Empowered Customers, And Engaged Employees

Mark Smucker understands the need for leaders to look to the future. Growing up in the Smuckers family, becoming a leader in the family-owned company wasn’t a guarantee. To even be considered for the top role, Mark had to go to college and get experience working in other companies. He spent years getting degrees in international business and working around the world before becoming CEO of The J.M. Smucker Company in 2016. It’s those experiences that taught him the value of leading with a sense of purpose and creating powerful experiences for customers and employees.

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10 Principles of the Future Manager

Over the next ten years will have somewhere around 225 million people in the world who are in some sort of managerial capacity, meaning they are responsible for others.

When it comes to the future of work it’s not just employees that are changing, managers are also having to change the ways in which they lead and in fact they are HAVING to become leaders.

These are 10 core principles or characteristics that managers will and must possess going forward. This image is taken from my book, The Future of Work.

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Become a Better Leader: Stop Hearing and Start Listening

It is said that there is no great sign of love and respect that you can show someone then listening to them.

But… listening and hearing are not the same thing.

Hearing is simply the unconscious act of letting sound enter your ear. It require no focus, no attention, and no effort on your end.

Listening on the other is quite the opposite. It is conscious and purposeful and does require your attention, focus, and effort.

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140 Top CEOs Share 5 Most Crucial Skills For Leaders

Leadership is changing…you as a leader MUST change, and perhaps more important, we should all DEMAND that our leaders change. It’s necessary for the very survival of our organizations.

This isn’t opinion, it’s fact.

Don’t believe me?

In doing research for my new book, The Future Leader, I interviewed over 140 of the world’s top CEOs from organizations like Oracle, Unilever, Best Buy, Kaiser, Verizon, InterContinental Hotels Group, MasterCard, and dozens of others. I also partnered with LinkedIn to survey nearly 14,000 employees globally.

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