Future Re lighthouse icon dy Leadership

with Jacob Morgan

A weekly show where Jacob has in-depth conversations with the world’s top business leaders, best-selling authors, and thinkers.

Forget Work-life Balance — It’s All About Work Life Integration

This week’s episode is with Eric Severson on work-life integration. Eric is the former Co-Chief Human Resource Officer at The Gap, and is now an Appointee to the U.S. Department of Commerce National Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship as well as the director of the Felton Institute. Eric led most of The Gap’s talent initiatives including their move towards work-life integration and the creation of their results-oriented workplace (ROW). […]

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Why Most Organizations Are Not Ready For The Future of Work

My guest is Marcus Buckingham, the New York Times best-selling author of First, Break All the Rules: What the World’s Greatest Managers Do Differently; Now, Discover Your Strengths, and the recently released StandOut. Marcus is also the founder of The Marcus Buckingham Company, which is a human capital management software and education company. Marcus states that most organizations actually are not ready for the future of work. […]

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Rebooting Work: Transforming How You Work in the Age of Entrepreneurship, A Conversation With Maynard Webb

My guest for this week’s Future of Work podcast is Maynard Webb, the former Chief Operating Officer at eBay; and currently Chairman of the Board at Yahoo!, and board member at Salesforce and Visa. Maynard is also the author of the recently released book, Rebooting Work: Transform How You Work in the Age of Entrepreneurship. This is a really fascinating discussion because Maynard is one of the most influential people in the worlds of business and technology, and is involved in so many amazing projects. We talk about the concepts from his book including the framework of employees, the employee experience, the role that Millennials play […]

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Why Storytelling Is Crucial To The Future Of Work

This episode of the Future of Work podcast I speak with Nancy Duarte, Principal, and Patti Sanchez, Senior Vice President of Strategic Services, at Duarte. Duarte is known as “persuasive presentation experts,” and those of you who are interested in learning and improving your presentation and speaking skills may be familiar with them. In this podcast, we look at why storytelling is a big part of the future of work. […]

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St. Jude: Creating One of The Most Desirable Places to Work

On this week’s episode of the Future of Work podcast I’m speaking with Dana Bottenfield, VP of Human Resources at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. St. Jude is among one of the most famous research facilities known for the amazing work they do with kids. But, did you know St. Jude was voted as the No. 1 company to work for by Millennials? […]

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Fostering Innovation: Mars Drinks’ Coffee Shop Culture

My guest this week on the Future of Work podcast is Xavier Unkovic, Global President at Mars Drinks. Mars Drinks is a segment of the global Mars brand, which focuses specifically on drinks such as coffees, teas and the like. You may wonder why a beverage company is so interested in the future of work, but Mars Drinks is 100% focused on the workplace. The focus of this podcast with Xavier is how to create a culture of innovation, and we take a closer look at what Mars Drinks is doing including the creation of “coffee shop culture.” […]

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The Transformation of T-Mobile: Re-engineering HR for the Future of Work

For anyone interested in getting a first-hand perspective on how an organization is actually transforming and thinking about the future of work, this is an especially exciting and fascinating episode of the Future of Work podcast. My guest is Ben Bratt, VP of HR, Talent and Organizational Capabilities at T-Mobile. T-Mobile is undergoing a radical transformation. They are all over the news with their Uncarrier strategy, and their new CEO, John Legere, has a dynamic and unconventional personality in the media. The company is virtually unrecognizable from where it was five to ten years ago. Now, a lot of what consumers are seeing is the front-end transformation, but what most people don’t realize is there is actually quite a lot that T-Mobile is doing internally. In fact, T-Mobile has completely re-invented HR from the ground up. […]

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Holacracy: What, How and Why

I’m really excited about this episode of the Future of Work podcast. My guest is Brian J. Robertson who actually created Holacracy, a new management and organizational structure; and is the author of Holacracy: The New Management System for a Rapidly Changing World. Holacracy has been in the news quite a bit as it pertains to Zappos’ radical shift to this new organizational structure. There has been quite a bit of confusion and discussion around Holacracy, so I thought this would be an ideal time to speak to its creator to find out what is Holacracy, how it works and why it should be considered. […]

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