GREAT Leadership

with Jacob Morgan

A weekly show where Jacob has in-depth conversations with the world’s top business leaders, best-selling authors, and thinkers.

Holacracy: What, How and Why

I’m really excited about this episode of the Future of Work podcast. My guest is Brian J. Robertson who actually created Holacracy, a new management and organizational structure; and is the author of Holacracy: The New Management System for a Rapidly Changing World. Holacracy has been in the news quite a bit as it pertains to Zappos’ radical shift to this new organizational structure. There has been quite a bit of confusion and discussion around Holacracy, so I thought this would be an ideal time to speak to its creator to find out what is Holacracy, how it works and why it should be considered. […]

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The Future of Healthcare: Transforming Our Health and Well-Being

My guest for this episode of the Future of Work podcast is Jeroen Tas, CEO of Philips Informatics, Solutions and Services Business Group. Healthcare is a very popular topic today affecting how we live and work. Jeroen gave me a crash course on what the future of healthcare will look like. We talk about a lot of fascinating topics and also look at some of the cool things coming in the world of healthcare and what it will look like in five to ten years. Health and well-being play a major role in the future of work and our everyday lives. So, tune in for a fascinating look at the future of healthcare with Jeroen Tas!

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Self-Management: The Story Behind Morning Star’s Success

This episode of the Future of Work podcast I had the pleasure to speak with Paul Green, Jr., co-founder of the Self-Management Institute at The Morning Star Company. Morning Star is an agri-business and processing company who is the largest processor of tomatoes. What is really fascinating about The Morning Star Company is that there are no managers. Paul and I address some of the principles of self-management and how Morning Star came to this process of self-management. We cover much more, and end with Paul’s advice to organizations and employees. Tune in for this fascinating conversation on self-management with Paul Green!

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Employee Rewards and Recognition: How to Create a More Engaged Environment

This episode of the Future of Work podcast I speak with Cheryl Kerrigan, Vice President of Employee Success at Achievers. Cheryl and I talk about how organizations can do a better job of recognizing and incentivizing their employees, how organizations can create a more engaged environment, and some of the tactics and strategies organizations can follow. We also cover what Achievers is doing internally with their own employees covering the really cool programs Achievers has implemented designed to engage and get employees involved in what the organization is doing. One of the things that I always talk about is that organizations have to shift away from creating a place where they assume people need to work there to creating a place where people want to work there. And a big part of that is recognition, rewards, culture and engagement.

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The Role of Technology in Collaboration

In this episode of the Future of Work podcast my guest is Jeffrey Rodman, the co-founder of Polycom. Many of you are familiar with Polycom and, in fact, have used their products. They became famous for their speaker phones found in the conference rooms of most organizations. Jeff and I talk about the role of technology in collaboration, and we explore many other topics. And, Jeff takes us through some of the cool technologies that he’s working on at Polycom. Tune in for a great discussion with Jeff Rodman on the role of technology in collaboration!

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Technology as Tools and Not Toys

My guest for this episode of the Future of Work podcast is Ralph Loura, CIO at Hewlett-Packard’s Enterprise Group, and former CIO of the Clorox Company. We looked at technology as tools and not toys. Ralph also shared his perspective on many IT issues including how the role of IT is changing, how the role of the CIO is evolving, and what the future is going to look like. But we also explored some interesting topics such as women and technology, the culture of HP, millennials, and much more. Tune in for a captivating discussion on technology as tools and not toys with Ralph Loura!

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HR and Talent Management: The Top 10 Human Capital Trends for 2015

This Future of Work podcast, I speak with Josh Bersin. Josh started a company called Bersin & Associates, which was acquired by Deloitte and is now known as Bersin by Deloitte. Because Deloitte recently released a report called “Global Human Capital Trends 2015: Leading in the new world of work,” I reached out to Josh to talk about what some of these trends are and what that means for us. Josh gives a unique perspective from a “big picture” view as to how these trends are impacting the world of HR and talent. While this podcast is especially relevant to you if you are a HR leader, it is just as relevant to you if you are an employee who is trying to understand how your job is going to change or how your career might change in the future. Be sure to listen in to this fascinating discussion with Josh Bersin on the top human capital trends for 2015!

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How to Deliver Leadership Based on Values

This week’s episode of the Future of Work podcast is with Harry Kraemer, the former CEO of Baxter and now professor at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management where he teaches management and leadership. Harry is a best-selling author and his second book just came out titled, “Becoming the Best: Build a World-Class Organization Through Values-Based Leadership.” Harry and I examine what makes a leader. One of the common themes in Harry’s book is all about “being yourself.” We discuss the four principles of values-based leadership. We also talk about how he scales leadership and the importance of corporate culture on leadership. There is a fascinating discourse on employee engagement as well as Harry’s concept called “leading up.” As with every episode of the podcast, we end with his advice for managers, employees and organizations around the world. I found Harry’s thoughts, views and perspectives quite interesting, and I think you will too. So tune in and listen to this fascinating discussion on values-based leadership!

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The Road to Leadership: Thinking Like a Leader – Acting Like a Leader

In this podcast I continue my exploration of leadership with my interview with Herminia Ibarra. She is a professor at the INSEAD School of Business, one of the top business and management schools in the world, where she teaches leadership. I talk with Herminia about her new book that just came out called “Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader.” This is a must-listen to podcast for anyone thinking of advancing into leadership or management roles; or those looking to become a better, more relevant leader. Listen in and don’t forget to share your thoughts with me! […]

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Strategy, Innovation, Entrepreneurship And The End of Competitive Advantage

In this week’s episode of The Future of Work podcast, I interview Rita McGrath, Professor at Columbia Business School, author, speaker and consultant. I believe this podcast will prove to be a very good overview for people that are interested in management and innovation, and how they are evolving and changing. Rita is on the front line of these events because she not only teaches on this, but she works with a lot of organizations. We talk about venture capital and funding and how innovation is changing. We look at the competitive advantage and Rita’s counter-intuitive approach, which is that competitive advantage is actually dead. She introduces several new concepts and methods for organizations to sustain their strategy, and to scale and sustain innovation. Different aspects of the future of work also are explored, wrapping up with Rita sharing her advice to organizations— and individuals as well — who are looking to adapt to the changes that we are seeing. Tune in and don’t miss this Future of Work podcast!

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