Why You Should be Paying Attention to “Wearables”

Wearable devices are making their way into our professional and personal lives. Fitness trackers (Fitbit, Jawbone, Nike), eyewear (Google Glass, Microsoft Hololens, MetaPro), smart watches (Pebble, Fitbit Surge, Apple Smartwatch) , clothing with sensors (Athos smart pants, AiQ), and the like, are all examples of wearable devices. Gartner predicts that by 2016

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What Does Your Corporate Culture Look Like?

In this video I talk about corporate culture while visiting Mulesoft in San Francisco. They were recently ranked as one of the “Best Places to Work” by GlassDoor so I went to check them out. Corporate culture means a lot of things and is impacted

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Are Hierarchies Evil?

In this episode of the Future in Five, I share my views about hierarchy and whether it’s a necessary evil. Many companies around the world are trying to “flatten” their structure but there should be some balance between being “flat” and “hierarchical.” I call this creating

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Is Email Going to Die?

In this episode of the Future in Five, I talk about the future of Email and whether it’s going to go away forever. The complete elimination of email is highly unlikely, at least for the foreseeable future, however some companies are embarking on a journey

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Will Amazon’s Echo Change the World?

You may have heard of the Echo, Amazon’s new “virtual assistant” product/service that was just released. We all know of Siri and Cortana, two other popular AI products released by Apple and Microsoft respectively. In my opinion the Echo is far superior to either. I recently

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What the Future of Work Will NOT Look Like

We spend a lot of time exploring what the future of work is going to look like (myself included). However, it’s helpful to take a step and examine some of the outdated practices and ways of thinking about work that WON’T be coming with us.

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Relying on Offices is so 1990!

A few weeks ago I had a book launch event in NYC hosted by REGUS. One of the big topics of discussion was all around offices and their role in the future of work. In other words, do we need to continue to rely on

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Will Facebook at Work, Work?

Here is the second episode of The Future In 5, the video series where I share my ideas, insights, and commentary on the future of work in five minutes or less! You may have heard the rumors that Facebook is launching a version of it’s

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