Have you ever thought about some of the products you use? If you really think about, most products are actually quite simple in nature. If you are looking to start a company or build a product, start very simple, start from the basic idea and then build.
Here are a few products/companies boiled down to their basic idea:
- coke is a billion dollar company that sells sugar water
- craigslist is a site that lets you buy and sell stuff
- the ipod is a product that let’s you listen to music anywhere you go
- photoshop is a product that let’s you mess around with images
- twitter is a site that let’s you tell people what you’re up to
- windows is a platform to run your computer
- mozilla is a tool that let’s you view the web
- skype is a way to talk to people through your computer
- techcrunch is a blog about technology
- linkedin is tool to meet business professionals online
- google is a search engine that let’s you find stuff online by typing words into a box
Yes, these companies, products are pretty advanced on the back end (eh, some of them are), but they all started with a simple basic idea that was built upon. Notice how I was able to describe the basic idea of these companies/products in just a sentence? If if takes you a paragraph to describe your basic idea then it’s not basic enough.
What’s your basic idea? What other companies/products can you boil down to just a basic idea?
thanks for reading