Things to Read


The Future Of Work Weekly Roundup – September 18th, 2016

Do you think a majority of people will work from home in the future? How does your company handle its hiring process? What the one key skill that is lacking in our workforce today and that could set you apart as a Millennial? What are the six signs that you should be watching out for to determine whether or not your job is safe from automation? These questions are answered on this weeks Future of Work Roundup. […]

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How LinkedIn Hires and Keeps the Best Talent

One of the most essential roles in the future of work is HR. What is often seen as an outdated department only used for hiring and firing is actually the core of creating and implementing useful, forward-thinking company culture. One of the leaders of the new wave of HR is LinkedIn, where the HR department works to ensure a healthy work environment and that employees are treated beautifully. In the words of senior vice president of global talent organization Pat Wadors, her goal is to make sure LinkedIn can scale at its staggering pace without losing it entrepreneurial spirit and core values. […]

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The Future Of Work Weekly Roundup – September 12th, 2016

Each week I’m going to provide a round up of what I consider to be important and interesting articles on the future of work (not authored by me). These will include a variety of sources and topics ranging from workplace practices to robots and automation to leadership and everything in between. There’s a lot of information out there so I’m hoping that these weekly round ups will help make life a bit easier for you by giving you just the good stuff. Let’s get into it! […]

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Future Of Work Weekly Roundup

Each week I’m going to provide a round up of what I consider to be important and interesting articles on the future of work (not authored by me). These will include a variety of sources and topics ranging from workplace practices to robots and automation to leadership and everything in between. There’s a lot of information out there so I’m hoping that these weekly round ups will help make life a bit easier for you by giving you just the good stuff. Let’s get into it! […]

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Is Your Company Focusing On People Analytics?

This video is coming to you from Zurich, Switzerland. I just had a client meeting where the topic of this video was discussed in detail, which is all around people analytics and the future of work. People analytics is the art and science of understanding how and why your employees work. Think about all of the questions that can pertain to your employees and organization. Some questions that may come to mind are, which teams are preforming well, what is driving employee engagement, and when should employees have conversations about career advancement. Now, think about all of the answers to these questions. It could make one person’s head spin! Many organizations run into challenges when trying to figure out what to do with all of the data collected inside our organizations. […]

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Is it Time to Say Goodbye to Email?

Your email inbox might seem crowded, but consider this: There are more than 1 billion business email accounts around the world, with an estimated 100-plus billion work-related emails sent every day.
With such prevalent use, email is a ubiquitous part of office and work life. So why are so many people questioning its value and asking what the future holds for email? As the workplace environment evolves, especially with new technology arriving almost daily, it makes sense that email would get the brunt of the change. But is email going to die? Not quite. As it stands, the future of email falls into three categories: remove, maintain, or change. […]

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