Things to Read


Three Forces Shaping The Future Of Wages And Paychecks

There’s a lot of talk about the future of work relating to employee satisfaction and finding jobs that have meaning and purpose. But even the happiest employees can’t ignore one of the biggest reasons to work: money. Like many other things in the workplace, wages and paychecks are changing for the future, and almost every employee could be affected. According to Dr. Lawrence “Larry” Mishel, an economist and president of The Economic Policy Institute, here are three things that could affect wages in the future.

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Forget Enterprise Grade Technology, Consumer Grade Technology Is the Future

Over the past few years we’ve placed an unhealthy emphasis on deploying enterprise grade technologies. Although there is no standard definition of what this actually means, it usually refers to technology that is suited to the needs of a large organization versus being used by individuals or consumers (consumer grade technology). Ideally this means it’s more robust, more secure, more flexible, and more geared for IT professionals to manage and deploy. But really what this ends up meaning inside of large organizations is clunky, outdated software. I’ve seen many of these technologies, and I’m always amazed that people actually use them.

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What Does The Future Of Human Resources Look Like?

What used to be viewed by many as one of the least exciting areas of an organization is now one of the most dynamic places to work. Human resources is evolving into more than just hiring and firing and having a huge impact on the employee experience and the future of work. I have explored this in my recent book on Employee Experience. Here are just a few of the ways HR is evolving: […]

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4 Ways Talent Is Changing–And How To Get On Board

Just like everything else in our modern workplace, the way we attract and retain top talent is changing. Instead of being recruited straight out of college and being put on a path up the corporate ladder, employees now have much more flexibility and choice in their careers, which means organizations have to adapt their approach to finding and keeping great workers. At the top of the talent game is Deloitte, the world’s largest professional services organization, and its Chief Talent Officer, Mike Preston. […]

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Technology Alone Cannot Drive Change

When you think about the future of work, what’s the first thing that comes to mind about what is driving the change? For most people, it’s technology. And for good reason–technology is everywhere. It’s growing at a faster pace than ever before and plays a huge role in our professional and personal lives. […]

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How The Best Companies Leverage Multiple Workspace Options

There has been an ongoing debate around open versus closed office spaces and which one is better. Open offices tend to enable collaboration, yet they are also prone to cause distractions and noise. Closed offices and cubicles tend to allow for more focused work, but they can also be a bit depressing and not encourage collaboration and communication. So which one do you go with? […]

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Ask This One Question To Test If Your Company Has A Great Workplace

Every organization has its own set of values, which are typically words or phrases the organization believes in or wants to represent. Values help guide the organization’s culture and actions. Oftentimes these values include words or phrases such as trust, transparency, fun, innovation, collaboration, and honesty. But for many organizations, these things are nothing more than lip service and useless platitudes. […]

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