Things to Read


4 Tips for How to Effectively Lead a Remote Team

Chances are you are one of the many people around the world working from home right now. The COVID-19 pandemic shuttered office doors overnight and sent millions of people around the world to work remotely.

Even as states and countries start to re-open and some people head back to the office, more companies will stick with their remote working capabilities. In most cases, working from home is safer for employees and helps organizations better allocate resources.

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Future Leaders Must Guide A Distributed Workforce By Example

What does it take for a leader to live in California but have teams of employees in multiple time zones across the globe? According to Mark Feldman, CEO of GSN, the answer is not very much sleep.

As companies expand with global teams and distributed workforces, leaders have to do more than just learn to have meetings at all hours of the day—they must also learn how to build a solid culture and keep teams working towards common goals, no matter where they are in the world.

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Does Your Company Honestly Care About You?

I moved to San Francisco over a decade ago. At the time I was working for a marketing agency in downtown doing search engine optimization work and digital marketing. They would host lunch and learns, talk about the company values, and try to convince people that they were valued. It was all fake.

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JLL CEO Christian Ulbrich On Technology Of The Future And How To Face Uncertainty

Commercial real estate might not seem like the most innovative industry, but one of the industry’s biggest players is transforming with technology to rely more heavily on data and create a more efficient model.

JLL is one of the world’s largest commercial real estate companies, with nearly 100,000 employees across the globe. I had a chance to talk to CEO Christian Ulbrich for my book, The Future Leader, and his excitement and passion for technology was clear.

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The Difference Between Purpose & Meaning and How to Create Both

Companies used to think that in order to attract and retain the best talent, they just had to offer perks and a nice paycheck. Now, it’s evident that employees care about more than just making money. They want a sense of purpose and meaning in their work and are often willing to take a pay cut to get them. We often see these two words go together and they are used interchangeably but what do they really mean and how can leaders and organizations create more purpose and meaning for their employees?

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Stanley Black & Decker CEO Says A Leader’s Job is to Humanize Everything

Years ago, there was an experiment where people rode a bicycle for a few hours and got comfortable with how it moved. Then, the researchers changed the bike so that when a person turned the handlebars to the right, the wheels went left, and when the person turned the handlebars to the left, the wheels went right. It was nearly impossible to adapt to the change, especially after the people were so used to riding their bikes a certain way.

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Thinking Like A Futurist is the #1 Skill For Leaders: Here’s How to Master It

What’s the top skill leaders need to succeed over the next decade and beyond? According to my interviews with more than 140 top CEOs, far and away the most needed skill is being able to think like a futurist.

Contrary to what some people believe, futurists don’t predict the future. Instead, they help make sure individuals and organizations aren’t surprised by what the future might bring. Thinking like a futurist involves looking at different possibilities and scenarios as opposed to picking one path and sticking to it.

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