Things to Read


Making the Most of Your Traffic and Exposure

You’ve created your blogger out reach campaign, used SEO to target your keywords, promoted your content across social networks, and did everything else you could do to the name out about your site/product/service. Basically, you have concentrated your efforts on traffic and exposure. The question

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What was Your Last Bonehead Move?

Bonehead moves, we all make them. Heck I’ve made quite a few in the past month. Looking back, I probably would have done things differently, but hey, when you look back it’s always easy to say what you SHOULD have done. Bonehead moves come in

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Are You the Man in My Jacket?

So picture this.  You’re in a cafe and in walks a man (or woman) that you just feel you have this special connection with.  You guys don’t talk much but you just feel this gravitational pull towards them.  The man (or woman) exits the cafe

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