Anyone else find it ironic that Kevin Rose is giving out tips on how to get more twitter followers? Considering the fact that he has founded 3 companies, is on the cover of multiple magazines, and has his own webs how; I’m not really surprised that he has 91,000 twitter followers, are you? His 10 tips to get more twitter followers include:
- explaining to your followers what retweeting is
- filling out your bio
- using hashtags
- linking your twitter profile when you can
- and 6 other tips that are sure to get you 91,000 twitter followers
To top things off, his post also made it to the front page of digg.

I was going to write a longer post on this, but I found that the comments on the digg article pretty much summed up everything I wanted to say, here are some of my favorite comments:

I also forgot to mention that the post was written as a guest article on techcrunch so you do the math there.
What did you think of Kevins’s post? What did you think of the digg article comments?