Things to Read


One Year Old!

Well actually one year and a few weeks, the first post I did here was back on Feb 2, 2008 and was titled, “social media marketing is a privilege.”  When that post first went up I had exactly 0 readers, 0 rss subscribers, and 0

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9 Words to Live by

Years ago when I was studying for the SAT’s I enrolled in a class with Mrs. Freedman.  I was still young and immature, I was pretty much the class clown.  I learned a lot but by far the most important thing I learned was a

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A Scientific What?

According to scientific research study, social media consumption  is going to increase on an inversely proportional vector to the X axis.  We are already seeing a growing trends toward social media consumption and more and more companies are starting to jump on the band wagon. 

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