Things to Read


Go Get Lost!

I had the opportunity to write a guest post for Jetsetlife on the importance of getting lost while traveling.  I’ve always believed that getting lost is absolutely crucial while traveling.  Here’s a snippet of the post that I wrote.  If you like it, please click

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Collaboration in the 2.0 Enterprise

Collaboration is a pretty broad term; according to Wikipedia: “Collaboration is a recursive process where two or more people or organizations work together in an intersection of common goals — for example, an intellectual endeavor that is creative in nature—by sharing knowledge, learning and building

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What's Your Tipping Etiquette?

We tip everyone these days don’t we?  The cab driver, the waiter, the barber, the doorman, the mover, and the valet (among other people).  If you take a cruise or a guided tour, you’re also going to be tipping everyone.  However, I feel this culture

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What is Enterprise 2.0? The Basics

I started writing a post about collaboration within an Enterprise but then realized that I should probably start from square one to make sure that everyone is on the same page with the discussion.  Some of you may have heard the term “Enterprise 2.0” being

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Inspirational Travel Quotes

It’s no secret that travel is nothing new, people have been writing about travel for quite some time now and I wanted to share some of my favorite travel quotes with all of you.  I love reading and hearing about other people’s travel experiences and

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The New Enterprise 2.0 Community Manager

Most of the time when people or brands refer to a “community manager,” they are referring to someone that can manage the online relationships for a particular brand.  Most community manager roles include blogging, tweeting, monitoring the web for online conversations and engaging when appropriate

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A Quick Update on My RSS Feeds

I’m sure you have noticed the new site design changes by now (right?) but I wanted to give a quick update on RSS feeds.  The homepage is specifically focused on business content.  However, I have a travel section that is focused only on travel content. 

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