Things to Read


The Future Of Work Weekly Roundup – December 4th, 2016

We have seen a lot of changes in the workplace in recent years, such as a move towards working remotely and more flexible working hours. How do you think the workplace will look 10 years from now? Find out in this week’s article roundup. This week’s article roundup also includes workplace perks, how Google humanizes technology in the workplace, and how tech is reinventing how people work. […]

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People Analytics: A New Way to Make Decisions in the Workplace

In the past we have always depended on humans and their ideas, intuitions, and feelings to figure out certain issues in our companies such as how to build teams, work on projects and carry out performance evaluations. Now, we have an increase in devices and ways to collect data in the workplace so we are able to track anything and everything. With this move towards data collection and technology we have a new field emerging, people analytics. […]

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The Future Of Work Weekly Roundup – November 27th, 2016

Do you ever feel unappreciated at work? Gratitude is so important in the workplace and it could help with employee retention, burnout, and motivation. Why is it so important and how can you implement it in your company? Find out in this week’s article roundup. This week’s article roundup also includes tips on how companies are using corporate social responsibility to attract Millennials and how AI is changing the future of HR. […]

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How T-Mobile Transformed HR

When a company has a rapid turnaround and quickly grows its employees and customers, how does HR respond and change? That was the question faced by T-Mobile after it grew its employee base by 33% and its customer base by 60% in just two years. […]

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The Future Of Work Weekly Roundup – November 20th, 2016

You know that the onboarding process is an essential part of a well-run company. But do you realize that the offboarding process is just as important, if not more important in the success of a company? Find out why it is so crucial and what items should be added to your offboarding checklist in this week’s article roundup. Other articles this week include 5 ways to keep your modern workforce engaged, workspace 4.0, and why using social media platforms at work will soon be okay everywhere.[…]

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Sexiest Roles in the Office? HR and IT

When you think of the flashiest and sexiest departments in your organization, what do you think of? It’s probably not HR or IT, but as the workplace continues to change, these two areas are right in the middle of the evolution, making them two of the best places to be. […]

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The Future Of Work Weekly Roundup – November 13th, 2016

Have you ever wanted to take a nap at work? Well, we found an article you can use to plead your case to your boss. We also included articles that discuss the often looked-over needs of introverts in the workplace, why it is pivotal for companies to stay up to date in HR technology, and why creating a fun workplace is so important. […]

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Holacracy: What, Why, and How

Instead of a traditional hierarchy run like a feudal system with kings and peasants, what if a business was run more like a city where everyone had a job to do? Would it help empower employees and increase productivity? That’s the basic idea behind a new organizational structure that is making waves around the world. […]

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Technology and the Future of Healthcare

Like most industries, healthcare is changing with new technology. In fact, healthcare may even be evolving at a more rapid pace than other industries because of the impact new technology can have on almost every aspect of the system, from how doctors find results to how patients track their progress. What’s in store for the future of healthcare, and how does technology play a role? Jeroen Tas, CEO of Philips Informatics, gives his insights into a number of key areas. […]

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