Each week I’m going to provide a round up of what I consider to be important and interesting articles on the future of work (not authored by me). These will include a variety of sources and topics ranging from workplace practices to robots and automation to leadership and everything in between. There’s a lot of information out there so I’m hoping that these weekly round ups will help make life a bit easier for you by giving you just the good stuff. Let’s get into it!
Changing HR: Artificial Intelligence at Work
Many people have viewed AI as a threat to human jobs and they are nervous about the future of work. This article discusses how, in reality, AI could actually benefit the job market and replace “tasks rather than jobs”.
The article also brings up the fact that AI is not 100% accurate at this point in time and as such AI still needs assistance from humans. As the article states “AI is most effective when combined with the human touch”. AI could help HR in the recruitment process, improving retention, and improving HR analytics.
One thing you can be sure of, companies need to stay up to date with workplace technology in order to stay competitive. Ignoring or avoiding AI in your company could be detrimental to your company’s success.
The Science of Gratitude and Why it’s Important in your Workplace
According to this article, “lack of gratitude is a major factor driving job dissatisfaction, turnover, absenteeism, and often burnout”. It is so important to show gratitude at work and this article lists out the several reasons why it is important.
It improves corporate culture, strengthens teams, and it is a great motivator. So how do you show gratitude to others at work? According to the article there are many ways to show gratitude, but the most important element is that the gratitude is sincere and authentic.
4 Ways Employers are Using Corporate Social Responsibility to Recruit Millennials
With Millennials entering and making up a large portion of the workplace these days people have started taking notice of what Millennials want and need in a company. Some things that are clearly important to Millennials are a sense of purpose, feeling like they are being heard and appreciated, and a sense of belonging. In order to attract and retain Millennials it is important to know how they think and what they are looking for.
This article discusses the Millennials need to feel they are making a difference and what companies need to do to attract this generation to their company. A few ways employers are catering to Millennials are by updating their websites, figuring out what the purpose of the company is, and encouraging and engaging employees.
As the article points out, Millennials are passionate, excited and driven. These are the types of employees you want to have in your company and in order to attract this type of employee some changes may need to be made.
My new book, The Employee Experience Advantage (Wiley, March 2017) analyzes over 250 global organizations to understand how to create a place where people genuinely want to show up to work. Subscribe to the newsletter here