Things to Read


Wikipedia is Watching You!

Companies and individuals have been known to meander onto Wikipedia during the wee hours of the night in order to modify their Wikipedia entries.  One company can modify a competitors information or a company can remove hurtful but factual information from their own Wikipedia page. 

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SF Startup Drinks Pics

For those of you that were around, it was great seeing all of you and meeting many of you.  For those of you that weren’t able to make the event..WTF?!  (kidding, kidding).  There were around 25 of us gathered on the rooftop of Medjools in

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Do Some Things Seem Backwards to You?

I was just talking with a friend of mine and we were discussing how backwards some things are. For example: Hot girls with not so hot guys Good looking guys with no so good looking girls Companies getting funded without business models The abundance of

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Why Go Daddy Doesn't Get it Part 2

A few months ago I wrote about how GoDaddy’s inability…or lack of willingness to help customers work with wordpress, was a big mistake on their part.  With the amount of blogs in the world and with wordpress being the most widely used blogging solution, you

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