Things to Read


How to Not Ask for E-mail Addresses

I was looking around for furniture in San Francisco and came across a site called “” The site sounded promising so I clicked on the link and was taken to a page that looked like this: The furniture from the pictures looked good, there was

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Bajofondo, Making Your Own Genre

Last night I went to go see a concert at the Stern Grove.  Two bands performed SiSe and Bajofondo.  Both bands were good, but one was great, and judging by the title of this post I’m betting you know which one was great.  I should

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The Death of the Press Release?

The internet has been buzzing about the new SEC guidelines and regulations regarding blogs, that’s right blogs.  It appears that blogs are going to be recognized as official public disclosure mediums, meaning instead of a company having to write a fancy press release and sending

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