number zero

That’s right, there is no social media ROI, none, nada, zilch, zero; there I said it. So now let me ask you this, now that you know there is no social media ROI are you still interested? I mean why bother with your precious time, why bother getting involved in all these social media channels if you know that you are never ever going to see any type of ROI and are never going to see a quantifiable dollar amount…EVER! You don’t possibly have the bandwidth to set up a free account on all of these social media channels and heaven forbid if you invest the resources to get someone to participate. Nah you’re right, it’s a waste why bother? Glad we got that cleared up and thanks for reading…ciao.

Of course there is that other thing…or should I say things:

  • Brand building
  • Relationship management
  • Product development
  • Reputation management
  • Customer interaction
  • Customer feedback
  • Customer support
  • Community building

And a plethora of other things.  But then again, these items don’t exactly translate into a traditional ROI or dollar amount, but they are the most important things that a company or a brand needs.

If you think social media is all about the ROI and dollar amount then please read the first paragraph again and thanks for stopping by.

The analogy I always use for social media is this:

Think about all of the people in your life including friends and family. How much would you be willing to pay to keep them in your life?

That is how you should think about social media. I mean do you spend time trying to figure out the ROI from your friends or how much your family is worth in terms of a dollar amount? No, of course not. Yet think about how your friends and family have influenced you and helped shape who you are. Think about how much you have learned and experienced. There is no ROI for this and there is no dollar amount for it yet for some strange reason you keep your friends and family around…why?

I’m not going to use a fancy term like ROP (return on participation) or ROI or any other business nomenclature, because quite honestly it’s a bunch of B.S. Social media is a way to connect with other people and make friends, leave it at that. Why you want to make friends and connect with other people is another topic and none of my business, but whenever someone asks you about social media and why you are involved with it, why don’t you ask them why they have friends and family and ask them why they value their friends and family, that is why you are involved in social media.

thanks for reading…really
