Things to Read


The Water Drop

A little while ago I featured a poem my little 16 year old brother Josh called World Vision.  Here’s another poem that he recently wrote called The Water Drop.  Enjoy! Water…no taste but an elegant feel. Feel it wash your body. Feel it connect with

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Announcing Mighty Mouth Media

No no, not mighty mouse, mighty MOUTH! I’ve been working on a few exciting projects and one of them is a social media consultancy called Mighty Mouth Media.  I’ve been lucky to team up with two awesome leaders and entrepreneurs;  Roger Kondrat and Connie Chan. 

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A Lesson in Social Media with Fedex

(picture of Dafu, world’s largest Buddha; from my China trip) The recent Fedex interactions I have been having with people really shows how powerful social media is and why social media is such a beautiful thing.  During the past few days the Fedex videos have

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Customer Value and Social Media ROI

I just wrote a post for Marketing Profs on the importance of understanding the value of your customers, here’s a snippet: “Companies are still struggling to determine social media ROI. There are some quantifiable metrics that are being used to determine ROI such as keyword

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Is BBC's Radio One Spamming Twitter?

The short answer is no (or at least I don’t think so), however it certainly LOOKS like they are.  There have been several accounts created that appear to be linked to Radio One such as: radio1girl372 RadEEogrl517 RadEEogrl789 RadEEogrl903 RadEEogrl845 RadEEogrl899 RadEEogrl333 The accounts all

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I Don't Make the Rules I Just Work Here

I went to FedEx/Kinkos to get some business cards printed.  You would think this is a simple process right?  Here’s a video of me sharing my experience at FedEx/Kinkos What sort of experiences have you had with FedEx or Kinkos?  Where else have you had

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