If I hear another vendor, consultant, or employee tell me that they are just trying to “make work suck less” then I’m probably going to lose my mind.  When did this happen?  When did we get so defeated and deflated about work that we had to admit that “work sucks?”  This is the mentality that creates disengaged employees.  This is an epidemic that needs to be stopped.  Work shouldn’t suck at all.  Sure there might be some frustrating days and we may get upset about certain things every now and then but we shouldn’t be working at companies or doing jobs “that suck.”  Life is too short for this.  What’s sad is that I have seen this message thrown out on large stages at conferences where a speaker will address hundreds of people.

We spend so much of our lives at work that it’s a bit scary to think about working for a company “that sucks.”  Can you imagine the impact that this has on the overall quality of life for employees?

One of the great things about these new collaborative tools and strategies today is that they allow employees to continuously learn and grow.  Communities of interest and passion can be cultivated and employees become more passionate and fulfilled by the work they do and the company they work for.  While I do believe organizations should be evolving into Collaboration Organizations the responsibility of “making work suck less” doesn’t just fall squarely on the organization.  The mentality of employees also needs to change as does their willingness to take advantage of new opportunities that these emerging technologies can offer and provide.  We all need to accept and recognize that the way we work is changing and we need to evolve and adapt.  Work doesn’t need to suck, let’s stop spreading this message!
