Now correct me if I’m wrong here but I believe that Microsoft allocated around 25 million on the new Seinfeld ad, with 10 mil going directly to Jerry. Now Aside from feeding several 3rd world countries I have a few ideas for what Microsoft could have done.

  • Have users from around the world submit videos that show why they like Windows. Put all of the videos on youtube and air the winning one(s) on television. This will create a slew of PRO windows videos across the internet, will engage all of the loyal Microsoft users, and will show that real people love Windows.
  • Reach out to bloggers to have (hopefully positive) articles written about Windows and how it is going to evolve and change to accommodate users’ desires and needs.  Perhaps even have bloggers write “5 things I like about windows.”
  • Create something like Starbucks did, with the mystarbucksidea that allows users to discuss and vote for new features or improvements.
  • Work on developing a better product! There’s a reason why people keep bashing vista, why not use some of that 25 mil to improve?
  • Sponsor a top 10 creative ways to Windows software competition, you’d surprised and amazed to see what people can come up with.
  • Have users create their own ads and send them in. The ads can then all be showcased via a Microsoft micro-site, ads could be video, img, music, etc. Users will share their ads with friends, family, and colleagues.
  • Do what Southwest is going with their blogging correspondent. Have a correspondent go around to the various Microsoft locations to give users an idea for what’s going on behind the scenes, you can then show this online/t.v.
  • Host a few Windows parties; with 25 mil you could probably host a great party in every major city in every major country in the world. At the party have Bill Gates give sneak peak demos for what’s coming out next; get user feedback from attendees, etc. Post all the pics on flickr and share them.
  • Sure you can stick with t.v. ads too, but why spend 10 mil for Jerry? We all loved Seinfeld but why not create ads with actual Microsoft lovers? Bring on real people passionate about the product and have them be in the ads.
  • Sky-write “I love Windows” in every country in the world!

Sure some of the ideas above are not completely thought through (mainly because I’m not getting paid to do so).  The Microsoft advertising budget actually may be enough to cover all of the above things and then some, and I bet they would garner a much more positive and wide spread response than the current ads they are going to run.

What I really wanted to do is see what ideas you would come up with for an advertising campaign.  How would you use that giant Microsoft budget?
