When I say the word “blog” what do you think of? How would you define a “blog?” I’m not talking about a correct definition or the wikipedia definition, I’m talking about YOUR definition. If we just met and I asked you what a blog was, how would you explain it to me? I think there are a lot of ways to define a blog and everyone is going to have a different definition or a use for a blog.
Is a blog an online journal or a lead generation tool, a collection of thoughts or a group of articles, a community site or a one way interaction platform? You don’t need to worry about what other people tell you because in all honesty a blog is what you make of it, there is not “right” or “wrong” way to use a blog as long as it is serving your purpose. If you want to talk about industry trends to get leads then great, if you want to just upload photos then bravo, if you want to put down memorable quotes from the day then more power to you. Your blog is what YOU say it is.
I define a blog as a platform to share my ideas and thoughts with the world that also enables me to meet new people and interact with them. For me my blog is a relationship platform and not so much an online journal. I love getting comments from all of you and hearing your thoughts and opinions, to me that means more then any lead I could get.
So now I ask you, “what is a blog?”
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