Happy Holidays everyone and thank you very much for reading, sharing and interacting with me; it means a lot. I know that the internet is a big place and the fact that you choose to spend a few minutes with me on my site every day is really humbling, so thank you.
I’ve learned a lot from all of you over the past few months and I sincerely hope that you have learned something from me to. Your valuable insights and ideas have really helped me grow, both as a person and as a marketer. I have had the privilege of collaborating and working on projects with some of you and I hope this continues in the future.
As you may have heard me mention before, this blog is not even one year old but thanks to all of you it’s growing by double digits every month. I have tried hard to provide you with a lot of valuable and useful information in the social media and marketing space and I plan on continuing to do so in 2009. I am looking forward to many more interesting debates, discussions, and interaction with all of you and I hope that you will continue to read my blog and share it with your friends, contacts, and c0-workers. I have big plans for growth in 2009 and I’m going to need your help.
In just a few weeks I am going to be launching a new branded site design that I am very excited about, but I will talk more on that when it officially goes live. I’ve been a bit under the radar the past few months but 2009 is going to be the year where I really try to blow the roof off; both in terms of a physical and online presence.
I want to wish all of you and yours a very happy holidays, I hope you are spending it in the company of friends and family. 2009 is going to a very exciting year for all of us and I hope you will continue your journey with me through 2009 and beyond, there is still so much growth and potential that we can achieve.
Happy Holidays everyone!
thanks for reading