If you haven’t heard yet Mark Cuban (owner of the dallas mavericks) announced his own open source funding a.k.a stimulus plan. The catch? Well none really, however in order to qualify you need to follow his list of 13 instructions, one of which is to share the business plan on the blog for all to see and read. The business must also become profitable within 90 days of funding. The post currently has around 900+ comments and you would think that a few of those comments would be decent business ideas, but I haven’t seen any (also didn’t look THAT hard). Among some of the ideas were:
- ticket scalping
- selling marijuana
- selling start wars memorabilia
- another microblogging platform
- selling ebooks
- online gambling
- video billboards
- and a slew of other random ideas
A lot of the comments on the site are junk and I haven’t really seen what I would consider a promising or realistic business idea…yet. I think it’s interesting to look at Mark’s offer and the results it generated. I think Mark’s offer is a good example of why we need filters to get through to the real “stuff.” I doubt Mark is going to go through the all of the comments he is going to get on the site, and he shouldn’t have to. It’s great to offer up such a unique opportunity but at the same time it’s also very easy for the people with real ideas and business plans to get drowned. I doubt many “real” business plans were divulged on the site.
What do you think of Mark Cuban’s offer and the responses he is receiving?