All the people out there talking about how the recession is great for technology and innovation are full of shit and I’ll tell you why.  These are the people who have comfortable jobs receiving 6 figure paychecks every year.  If you seriously think the recession is good for ANYTHING then you really need to wake up.  People are losing their jobs, their homes, their savings, and are struggling to survive.  Please don’t feed the world your bullshit about how the recession is a good thing while your secretary is getting you your latte.  The stock market is crumbling, the unemployment rate is rising, the cost of living is increasing, the dollar is falling, and you’re telling me this is good for…?

Once again let’s be honest and call this what it really is, tough damn times.  If you’re a new startup out there you probably won’t get funding or that loan you’ve been counting on.  If you work for a startup you are probably going to want to find some real job security out there.  Sure open source will benefit and blah blah blah, but at the end of the day people survive by getting a paycheck, and if you don’t have a job and you’re savings is going out the window then don’t tell me that innovation and technology are going to flourish.  Somebody is going to have to work in the tech world to make all these “great things” happen right?  And if that person isn’t getting paid then how the hell is everything going to be so great and innovative?

I’m not trying to be a downer, I’m trying to be a realist here.  Tech stocks are getting hammered out there and it’s not because innovation is flourishing, it’s because people are scared and worried.  Nobody likes getting lied to and I hate it when other people out there talk about how tech and innovation are going to rock the world when in fact we have no idea what’s going to happen.  I’m not saying it’s the end of the world and I’m not saying that everything is going to be fine and dandy.  I’m saying be smart and look at what’s going on in the world before you believe the junk that’s being written about how things are going to flourish, that’s just ignorance in my opinion.

I sincerely hope that all of you are doing well and that the recent economic downturn has not seriously impacted your well being.

do you think the recession is going to have a positive impact on technology and innovation?  am I way off base here?

thanks for reading
