So far, this has been a very productive week. I know I have not really been giving much information as to what I am working on, but I will in the next coming months. This week has really taught me an important lesson in project management and in running a company. It is very easy to get excited over something that makes you want to jump into the next step. However, it is important to take a step back in order to analyze and examine the current situation.
If you are launching a startup, (like I am) then thinking of overhead costs is obviously one of the most important things to consider. How can you minimize your overhead costs? If you are looking to build a product or service, there is nothing wrong with going with a cheaper alternative that will allow you to get proof of concept. Proof of concept will verify your business and will open fund raising doors if you need them. Why spend 50k on something when you may be able to get it for a few hundred bucks. Sure, it will not have all of the features and won’t look as fancy as you want the final version to be, but so what? That is why it is called a beta (or alpha). The important thing to realize is you want to make something that people want and are going to use, once you get that, then you can start dressing it up. Proof of concept is key.
Recently I attended an event during which I met a couple of developers who run their own company. They immediately told me they could build anything and everything I want at a fairly reasonable price. Of course I got excited and was already talking about setting up a meeting with them. On my way home, I realized that I have no business trying to set up a meeting with developers to create something without a proof of concept. There I was, in a bar, getting sold on something I didn’t need. There are other low-costing alternatives out there that will allow me to beta test my idea before speaking with a development team.
Do you have your proof of concept?
Thanks for reading everyone