What’s the difference between a manager and a leader?
People often use the terms interchangeably, but there is actually a stark difference between the two.
Managers are typically the people who know the numbers, processes, strategies, and tactics. Managers tend to be focused on efficiency and maintaining the status quo. They lead with authority from their title to delegate to their employees and improve weaknesses. They are great at understanding the business but typically not great at leading people.
On the other hand, leaders know how to engage, empower, and motivate people. They believe in experimentation and aim to develop their employees. Leaders lead with influence and don’t rely on their job title to make a difference. Leaders have a growth mindset and are continually learning and coaching their teams. They focus on their team’s strengths to move towards a goal.
It comes down to this—managers are focused on finishing tasks and moving the business forward through processes and efficiency. Leaders are focused on engaging their employees and finding innovative solutions through experimentation and growth.
Why does it matter if someone is a manager or a leader?
Managers who are more focused on processes and tasks than on people lead to employees being disengaged from their work. Leaders who motivate and inspire their teams tend to keep employees engaged and loyal to the company.
Does your company have managers or leaders? It’s not too late to change.
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