A single piece of rice may not seem like much, but it can quickly grow into something much bigger.
More than 1,000 years ago, a mathematician named Sissa created the game of chess. The leader of the land was so impressed that he offered Sissa any reward he wanted. Sissa’s request was unusual: he wanted the leader to put one grain of rice on the first square of the chessboard and then double the amount of rice on each subsequent square.
The leader thought it was a strange request and quickly agreed. After all, how much rice could it be?
Turns out, more than all the rice in the world.
At first glance, doubling the amount of rice on the chessboard leads to gradual growth. But once you hit the second half of the chessboard, the growth is exponential.
This is where we are in the world today. Things are changing at an incredible pace. It’s no longer about the gradual growth but about massive changes between each square. And every year, that pace of change increases.
All this change means we have to adopt the new normal. Things will never slow down. We’re living on the second half of the chessboard where incredible change happens every day.
Today, the term “late adopter” means “out of business.”
I put together a video which talks about this in more detail. Please check it out below and if you want more content like this you can subscribe to my Youtube channel.
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