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Peter’s approach to leaders is a simple one and it’s all one we all heard before, yet we forget to practice it. In fact, the more senior we become inside of organizations the more we forget about this simple yet impactful rule.
Peter started off working as a gardener at the National Physical Laboratory in the UK. While working there he saw he how those with status treated those without status and this proved to be a crucial leadership lesson for him. Today Peter is the CEO of a 5,000 person company.
What’s the rule he follows?
Check out the video only available for paid subscribers of Great Leadership.

Vulnerability for leaders is not the same as it is for everyone else and my over 100 CEO interviews and survey of 14,000 employees proves it! So how can leaders approach vulnerability in the right way that allows them to unlock the potential of others, create trust, and lead through change? Pre-order your copy to find out and email me proof of HARDCOVER purchase to [email protected] and I’ll send you 5 exclusive CEO interviews, and invite to a webinar I’m hosting about the book, and the first 3 chapters of the book before it gets released