The other day I was walking around San Francisco, yes just walking around, and I noticed that when I would pass people by on the street that they would always look down at the floor when they passed me. It didn’t matter how big or small the person or what gender they were, they just avoided eye contact and stared at the ground. I try to look every person in the eye when I walk by them, not stare at them, but make eye contact and acknowledge their presence. Have you ever noticed how often people look at the ground when you talk to them, or break away eye contact and stare at something else?
Looking people in the eye when you pass by them or communicate with them does several things:
- acknowledges other people’s presence and shows respect
- physical and mental strength
- shows a strong sense of character
- conviction in what you are talking about
- high self confidence and self worth
- success and determination
You would be surprised how many people look away when they talk to you or avoid eye contact with you all together. I’m not just talking about people you casually know or pass by on the street, I’m talking about people who are high up in the corporate food chain. The next time you go to an interview, pay attention at eye contact.
I have found a few intersting articles regarding eye contact, I hope you find them useful:
How to use eye contact to make a good first impresstion
The eyes have it: the fundamantelas of eye contact
Learning to make more eye contact with people
Do you look people in the eye when you talk to them or pass them by?
Thanks for reading