Towards the end of last year, we (Connie and I) launched the FOW Community, an invite brand network where some of the world’s most forward thinking brands come together to explore the future of work. Topics include everything from freelancers and collaboration to organizational culture and robots and automation. As the community grows so do the topics! Over the past few month we have had some very exciting developments that I wanted to share with you, and of course, encourage you and your company to join us.
Member growth
When the community first launched, we didn’t have many companies on board. We had a few initial organizations that believed in what we were doing such as Sanofi, Wells Fargo, SAP, the Alberta Energy Regulator, and a few others. In around the past 60 days the community has almost doubled in size, and we are now very proud to have 27 global, forward-thinking organizations representing the community with plenty more expressing interest to join on a regular basis. Companies such as Whirlpool, PwC, Accenture, Kohl’s, ATB Financial, T-Mobile, ISS, and others are among our recently added members.
New features
The FOWC is 100% custom-built — nothing else like it exists anywhere else on the web. Since we own the product, we are able to create new features and designs based on member feedback. Some of the new features we just rolled out last week include: trending topics and hashtags; member spotlights; one-click event registration/integration to our webinar platform, polls, announcements, and much more.
Website updates
We added some more information and context to the FOWC webpage so that prospective members can see what other organizations are in the community, member testimonials (we have two there now and are adding lots more soon), and a few other things.
Events (digital and introducing physical!)
Not only did we expand our digital events to include more things such as “coffee talks,” but we are also hosting our first physical forum on April 29th in San Francisco. More details will be announced on that later, but if you want to attend you have to be a member of the FOWC so make sure to request an invite. It’s going to be a great place for members to come together to learn from each other and from guest speakers, plus we have some fun things planned! Our goal is to host several of these forums every year as we continue to grow.
I am, personally, very much looking forward to the continued growth of the community. I am already imagining where we will be when we grow to 50, 100, and 200 members and begin hosting events internationally. The sky’s the limit, and I sincerely hope that you and our organizations will join us for the journey. After all, if your organization doesn’t think about and plan for the future of work then your organization has no future, and the best way to do that is to join the other brands at the FOWC!
Of course a HUGE thanks to our team at Dev Engineering for building this amazing community for us, they are fantastic partners to have and if you or someone you know needs Drupal design/development then let me know and I can introduce you. They will give you a special rate 🙂