With technology changing all the time, is your team using the right software, devices, and programs?
An annual technology audit allows you to step back and see the big picture of how you work, the role technology plays, and bottlenecks or challenges that could be improved with technology.
But it doesn’t stop there. Collect data about technology use in your company. Are employees actually using the tools? Are they satisfied? What challenges still exist?
Don’t assume people will automatically use the technology just because you give it to them. Create an ongoing feedback process to keep making adjustments and improving.
One of the hardest parts of adopting new technology is balancing embracing new ideas and programs with not chasing every shiny thing. As much as you may want to try every new program, you need to look at technology from a practical perspective. Pay attention to technology that has a direct and immediate impact on your business. These are the programs and devices that allow your employees to work effectively.
From my study of 252 of the world’s top companies, I found that technology has a 30% impact on an employee’s overall experience. They may love the culture and physical space, but employees will go elsewhere if the technology isn’t there and it becomes too frustrating to do their jobs.
As the world changes, it’s crucial to pay attention to new technology. But focus on what your employees need to do their jobs well. Adopt the technology that powers the future of work and then continually re-evaluate your systems.
Technology is essential to every company, and a practical approach can keep you moving forward as you empower your employees with the right tools.
I put together a video which talks about this in more detail. Please check it out below and if you want more content like this you can subscribe to my Youtube channel.
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The #1 challenge for organizations right now is how to attract and retain talent. Organizations are stuck in old ways of thinking about work and they are struggling! In my new PDF, I outline 7 ways the workforce is changing and what you and your organization need to do to adapt. The Great Resignation is The Great Opportunity if you are willing to take action! Click here to download the PDF.
