Collaboration continues to be a top priority for many companies around the world and as we move towards a world where change and disruption happen at an increasing pace, collaboration becomes even more important. Still, saying you want to create a collaborative organization vs actually doing it are two different things. Two years ago I wrote, The Collaborative Organization, which is still just as relevant today as it was then.
When we launched the FOW Community a few weeks ago we also introduced a few public facing tools that anyone can access. One of these tools is a collaboration quotient test. This “test” allows anyone to answer a series of questions to see where their organization lies in a five stage collaboration maturity model (which was first introduced in my book). It’s a fun and easy way to get a sense of where you are currently and what you need to do to advance.
I find that most organizations are somewhere around “exploratory” or “defined” with a few organizations being more advanced. Take the collaboration test to see where you stand!