I’m very excited to announce that my colleagues Chris Brogan and Brian Solis are going to be contributing to my new book with Josh Peters; Twittfaced, a book on social media 101 for business. Chris Brogan is going to write the introduction for the book and Brian Solis is going to write the forward. Anyone involved in the social media or PR space knows of Chris Brogan and Brian Solis, so it’s very exciting to have them be a part of our book. As a little bonus I’m also including some Q&A with Olivier Blanchard on social media ROI.
I’ve met Brian many times offline and greatly respect and admire the work he has done and the philosophy he shares on social media. I’ve only met Chris Brogan once (I think) but I have also come to admire his work and his passion and dedication for educating companies and individuals on the value of social media. Olivier Blanchard has really spearheaded the whole social media ROI initiative. I’ve talked about ROI in the past but it’s thanks to Olivier that my passion and interest for ROI has been re-ignited with a vengeance.
I have a post that’s coming out in a few days regarding the meaning and story behind Twittfaced, but for now I wanted to share the exciting news and give a big thank you to Brian Solis, Chris Brogan, Olivier Blanchard, and to everyone else that has contributed to the book with their quotes/ideas/thoughts. We have really assembled a great all-star team of social media and business professionals to help make this book a valuable asset for everyone. The book is due out in around a month but you can pre-order your copy of Twittfaced now on Barnes and Noble. Please help us spread the word!