I’ve been hinting at some exciting news over the past few weeks and I’m finally ready to announce what that news is. Two exciting things have happened; the first is that Chess Media Group has partnered with Biz 360, the second is that I am now on the advisory board for Biz 360. I’m going to explain what both of these things mean in a minute but first wanted to say how I excited I am for both the partnership and the advising opportunity. I had a chance to spend some time with Brad Brodigan (the CEO of Biz 360) and after chatting about where he wants to take his company and where I want to take Chess Media Group, we decided to join forces. As I have mentioned in the past I believe that companies have 2 huge obstacles to overcome in the social media ROI space, those on the business side and those on the technology side. Chess Media Group is trying to conquer the business challenges and we hope to work with Biz 360 to conquer some of the technology challenges.
Chess Media Group Partnership with Biz 360
Chess Media Group is a social business consultancy that is really trying to focus on helping clients understand the value from their marketing investments. We develop full social business strategies but with a measurement and accountability foundation. To really help companies understand ROI and Impact from social media we needed a partner that understands the space and has a robust technology platform that aggregates data from the social web. Biz 360 has an awesome Customer Insights platform so it made perfect sense for us to partner. With our social business approach and Biz 360s platform, we feel that we can really help clients understand the ROI and Impact from their social business investments. You can read the full press release about the Chess Media Group and Biz 360 partnership on Yahoo!
My Advisory Board Position with Biz 360
This is a very exciting opportunity for me to help guide the way for a new type of social media analytics platform. For those of you that have been reading my blog for a while you know that I have a very strong opinion when it comes to social media ROI and marketing accountability in general. Brad wanted me to join the advisory board to help guide the product so that it indeed helps clients really understand the value from their social media investments. I’m definitely thrilled to be a part of this team and hoping that I can work with Brad and his team to really guide their product to become a unique social media analytics and data analysis tool.
So there you have it, a partnership and my new role as an advisor to Biz 360. Perfect timing as this year is coming to a close; 2010 should be a very exciting year! Big thanks to Brad and the whole Biz 360 team and thanks to all of you for your support and for reading!