Things to Read


We Are In A Leadership Pandemic: Research Proves It

Most business leaders around the world are not good leaders. They aren’t bad people, but their approaches to leadership are simply put…obsolete. We can especially see this quite clearly with what has been going on with Black Lives Matter, COVID-19, and the ongoing fight against racism and social injustice.

To give you an analogy, it’s a bit like trying to fly a modern-day passenger plane while being trained on an original Wright Brothers plane. There’s a chance you might get the plane in the air, but you won’t go far.

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How do you lead in a world that doesn’t yet exist?

The world is changing quickly, we all know and experience this on a regular basis. But this poses a massive challenge for leaders. How can we lead in a rapidly changing world and perhaps in a world that doesn’t even yet exist? Whether we look at technology and automation, multiple generations at work, globalization, social and racial injustice, COVID-19, or the many other trends that are shaping work and life, the bottom line is that things are changing.

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You Should Avoid Having A Typical Day: Here’s Why

What does a typical day look like for you?

It’s a question I’ve asked of hundreds of CEOs and top business leaders around the world. They almost always tell me the same thing: they don’t have a typical day. Every day is different. The most successful business leaders surround themselves with a diverse group of people, they are a part of a variety of projects, they attend different meetings, speak with customers and employees, and they make sure that they aren’t doing the same thing and seeing the same people every single day.

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3 Ways the CEO of Costco, Craig Jelinek, Puts His People First

Costco warehouses are for more than just bulk goods and samples—they’re also home to happy employees. Costco is regularly ranked a top place to work and a company with the happiest employees, largely due to a culture that values employees and treats them fairly with good benefits and wages. Setting the tone for that culture is CEO Craig Jelinek. Craig follows in the footsteps of previous Costco leaders to put his people first and continue a legacy of engaged employees.

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Three Powerful Ways To Motivate Yourself At Work

Motivation is key to your success at work. Your boss can try to motivate you, but in most cases, you can’t rely on anyone else and have to find your own internal motivation. No matter if you work in an office or remotely for yourself, everyone needs help from time to time finding motivation to push through and be productive.

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3 Leadership Lessons From Jeff Dailey, CEO of Farmers Insurance

Jeff Dailey is an insurance veteran with more than 30 years in the industry, starting as a claims adjuster and working his way up to Farmers Insurance CEO. He oversees 20,000 employees and 45,000 independent agents around the world. I had the chance to chat with him about the future of leadership and what it will take to succeed as a leader in the future. He’s one of the amazing CEOs I interviewed for my recent best-selling book, The Future Leader.

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Companies That Are Putting People First During COVID-19

How a company responds during a crisis can speak volumes about its culture and character and of course the experience it wants to create for its people. Does it rush to sell its product and boost sales? Does it reach out to customers? Does it protect its management and lay off entry-level employees? Treating people well during times of prosperity is easy, but treating people well during times of stress and tension is what really matters.

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The #1 Cause Of Stress In Our Lives And How To Manage It

It probably doesn’t come as a surprise that the majority of Americans say their job is the biggest cause of stress in their lives (and this is true in many other parts of the world as well). As we push ourselves harder and are constantly connected, stress has started to take an even bigger toll on our lives especially when you consider the impact that COVID-19 has had. Many employees constantly feel burned out and overworked. When you’re stressed, you’re not as good of an employee or leader, and you’re definitely not as good of a friend, spouse, or parent.

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