Things to Read


Musing on "What is Work?"

Simple concept, but have you thought about it?  It’s funny because if you ask an entrepreneur or a self-employed person what they consider work or how many hours they work a week you will get a very different answer than if you ask someone with

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Implementing Enterprise 2.0 at IBM

I had the opportunity to have several in-depth conversations with John Rooney (CIO of Technical Strategy) and Ethan McCarty (Senior Manager, Digital and Social Strategy) of IBM.  The conversations resulted in our recently released case study on Implementing Enterprise 2.0 at IBM.  Here is an

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The Twelve Principles of Collaboration

1.  Individual benefit is just as important as the overall corporate benefit (if not more important) Don’t focus on the overall corporate value and benefit when communicating collaboration to employees.  Employees care about how this will impact them on an individual basis.  How will this

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